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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy



It is Live Unlimited’s aim to promote dignity and respect for all, where individual differences  and the contributions of all team members are recognised and valued, and to ensure that  team members and clients are not subject to any direct or indirect discrimination,  victimisation or harassment. 

Live Unlimited is committed to encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion, and - in  providing services and/or facilities - is against unlawful discrimination of customers or the  public. We aim to ensure that our policies, procedures and practices in our activities take  account of the diversity and diverse needs of our clients and potential clients.


The organisation is also committed to equality of opportunity for all employees and is  committed1to employment practices, policies and procedures which ensure that no  employee, or potential employee, receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of  gender, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, religion or  belief, age, offending background, trade union membership, disability, domestic  circumstances, social and employment status, HIV status, gender reassignment, political  affiliation or any other personal characteristic (including any of the Equality Act 2010  protected characteristics).


This policy affirms our promise of a working environment and practices that follow our  commitment to equality and diversity and applies to all team members.




We will:

• Keep Live Unlimited as a good place to work where every team member is entitled to a  safe environment free from discrimination and harassment.

• Be a place where team members and clients feel respected and able to give their best.  • Encourage our clients and potential clients to support each other to take control of their  own lives and optimise their independence and life-chances.

• Support our client communities to get on well together and celebrate their diversity. • Promote active engagement with the diversity of Barnet’s cared for children and care  leavers.

• Seek out the voices of people who are not always heard and those who need extra help  to access our services.

• Use evidence to support the delivery of needs led, appropriate and accessible services  which reflect the diversity of need of our clients and potential clients.

1 At this moment, Live Unlimited is staffed by those on loan or secondment and has no direct employees

• Meet our legal, organisational and personal responsibilities to treat people fairly, promote  equalities, address inequality, challenge discrimination, and make reasonable  adjustments as appropriate to tackle any physical or attitudinal identified.  





Live Unlimited promotes, through the provision of training and guidance to Team Members,  an understanding of their rights and responsibilities, and the impartial application of all  policies and procedures. Courses are designed to meet specific training needs in relation to  equality and diversity including general statutory and mandatory, recruitment and selection,  and unconscious bias.


We also aim to make opportunities for all general training, development and progress  available to all team members, and to help and encourage them to develop their full  potential, so their talents and resources can be fully utilised by the organisation.


Activities/ Schemes

We evaluate our activities to ensure that no direct or indirect discrimination has been built  into the application or implementation stages and use the review to address any issues or  potential issues that may have arisen organically.



Trustees have ultimate responsibility for the operation and implementation of this Policy and  are expected to lead by example and ensure a zero tolerance approach to discrimination,  harassment and victimisation is clear amongst all team members. 

Managers are required to exercise leadership by modelling appropriate behaviours. They  must ensure that the policy is clearly communicated to their teams. They must also take  timely and appropriate action to deal with any breaches or behaviour that could lead to a  breach of the policy when bought to their attention. Managers are responsible for applying  practices, policies and procedures fairly and consistently, and for addressing any practices  which could lead to discrimination. 

All team members are responsible for familiarising themselves and complying with the EDI  Policy. They also have a duty to raise concerns with their manager if they experience, or  become aware or suspect that discrimination, bullying or harassment behaviour is occurring  and to co-operate with Live Unlimited to investigate the matter as required. (Our complaints procedure is set out separately,) 

All service users, service providers, team members and partners in the community have a  responsibility to promote equalities and challenge discrimination and stereotyping.


Inappropriate behaviour and complaints

We will take action to deal with all inappropriate behaviour and take complaints of bullying,  harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination seriously - whether by team members,  customers, suppliers, visitors, the public and any others in the course of the organisation’s  work activities. 

A team member’s failure to act in accordance with this EDI Policy may result in disciplinary  measures and may lead to the team member being dismissed or asked to disassociate from  Live Unlimited and its work. Particularly serious complaints could amount to gross  misconduct and lead to dismissal without notice. Sexual harassment and harassment under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 may amount to both an employment rights matter  and a criminal matter,


Monitoring & Review 

Live Unlimited will maintain records of diversity information based on protected  characteristics and also monitor the diversity data collated during recruitment and application  processes. Information will be collected and stored in line with Data Protection legislation and will only be used to monitor compliance to Equality and Diversity obligations and our aim  of being an inclusive organisation.

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